2020 Events
This page contains Port Macquarie and Canton Beach 2020
Port Macquarie
The Coasters Hot Rod Club's annual rod run was down in numbers due to the predicted torrential rain that was to come over the weekend. However we were very lucky as it did not rain during the Friday night meet and greet, the Saturday drive was fine and the Show and Shine for the most part was clear. As for the rest of the weekend it bucketed down, but we really did need the rain and no one complained. As usual we had a great weekend. Sandy won the only trophy for our club members and it was the hard luck trophy. He got caught in his kayak when a sudden hail storm hit, ending up in the drink losing all his fishing gear plus the battery for his electric motor. To make things worse the trophy was smashed and had to be glued back together before he received it. As it turned out he should not have bought the Kayak because the next night he caught plenty of fish from the wharf.
Canton Beach
Easy Street Rod and Custom Club hosted their annual Canton Beach Rod Run. What a great weekend, over 100 entrants enjoyed themselves and the small amount of rain, which reduced the day entrants at the show and shine, could not dampen the weekend. Some of the ladies got into the western theme in a big way which helped our club win Best Club Participation. Our club numbers are increasing to this event and we hope that continues because it really is a great run.